From the way you sit, to the fabric you choose, it turns out your sofa unsuspectingly reveals all sorts of things about you. Here's a little insight into what you're unwittingly saying about yourself with your sofa...

If you sit cross legged in the corner

This is reportedly the most popular position for settee dwellers to adopt in the UK. If you're among this percentage of Brits who enjoy sitting in the corner with their legs crossed, then you're telling the world that the sofa is your domain. Cross-legged sitters tend to have a more relaxed style of home and decor.


The Fyfield corner sofa/sofa bed shown in House Linen Vintage Grey

If your sofa is purple...

You're deeply spiritual and creative. It doesn't matter if the shade you've opted for is a sedate lavender or a bright and bold violet. A purple sofa indicates you're someone who is mindful, in tune with themselves, works in a creative vocation, or enjoys a host of crafty hobbies.

If your sofa is a chaise style…

You value your alone time. Your life is chaotic so you snatch the chance to get some 'me' time whenever your hectic schedule allows. Once the washing up has been done, the kids are asleep, and those work emails have been answered, it's all about you and no one else.


The Bayfield chaise sofa/sofa bed shown in Stain Resistant Linen Cotton Dove

If your sofa is leather…

You're self-assured - not in a cocky or arrogant way, but you know your place in the world and you own it. Where others fall foul to self-doubt and hesitation, you commit to things with gusto and certainty. You're either in it 100% or not at all, in everything you do.

If your sofa doesn't sit against a wall...

Known as floating, a settee positioned centrally in a room, or away from a wall, can be found in houses of risk-takers. You don't like to play it safe. Rules and conventions are there to be challenged. You like to carve your own way in the world and sidestep the status quo.


The Downton sofa/sofa bed shown in Stain Resistant Linen Cotton Nordic Blue

All our British handmade furniture can be personalised in over 150 fabrics and with a selection of seat cushion and mattress options. To explore our collections visit our website, or for more advice call our experts on 020 8939 3800 or email us using our contact-us form.